What Is an Allergy?

  • Immune system overreaction
  • When a person with an allergic constitution encounters an allergen, the allergic antibody in the body reacts with the allergen and releases histamine, which causes inflammatory reaction and allergic symptoms.
  • The most common allergic symptoms are itchy nose, itchy eyes, red skin, swollen throat, diarrhea, etc. Allergic diseases include allergic rhinitis, asthma, ectopic dermatitis, etc.

Type I
Immediate hypersensitivity


Small particles in contact with the outside world, ex. pollen or dust. Common diseases include asthma, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, ectopic dermatitis, and systemic allergic reaction.

Type II
Antibody dependent cytotoxic hypersensitivity


Cellular antigen is the hemolytic phenomenon of rejection of different blood groups in specific tissues or cells after blood transfusion. ex. Hemolytic anemia, drug reaction.

Type III
Immune complex mediated hypersensitivity


Soluble antigen. Common diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, allergic pneumonia, serum disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.

Type IV
Delayed-type hypersensitivity


Soluble antigens and cellular antigens, such as microorganisms, proteins , plants or drugs. Allergic reactions will not occur immediately, but will occur after 48 ~ 72 hours of skin contact with allergens.